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Gurbani Cassettes Official Web Site

Gurbani Cassettes has been serving you for almost four years, and is proud to create this web site for all Gurbani lovers who like to listen to Guru Sikh Gurbani/Kirtan/Katha Cassettes.
The cassettes on this web site are rare, and very hard to find in stores. Once you have ordered the cassette(s), you may feel free to copy them and give them to friends and family members, because they are not copyrighted.
The many Gurbani Cassettes found on this site are Katha Cassettes, Gurbani Cassettes, and/or Kirtan Cassettes by different Sant Jis/Ragi Jathe from different places throughout the whole world.
You can order Gurbani Cassettes on THIS WEB SITE! Gurbani Cassettes are only $1 + Shipping and Handling.
So, please order NOW!
*For more information regarding Gurbani Cassettes, please visit our Gurbani Cassettes description page.

**This is a non-profitable web site. If you would like to order Gurbani Cassettes, the only money that you will be charged is the cost of the production of the Gurbani Cassette itself. We will not receive any profit whatsoever from this web site nor any Gurbani Cassette on this web site.


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